Our newest members:
• Alexander Cabrall (kd0rml) • middleton hirsh (W2MTH) • Scott Miklebost (AE0HN) • Wane Dompier (KB7CQT) •


PRA is now on Groups.io

Click Here – to join us for interesting discussions about ham radio and club activities. 

Our mission is to serve others by promoting amateur radio in the community and providing the training and support required to become an amateur radio operator. We aim to develop, enhance, and maintain radio systems that are suitable for providing communication services benefiting the community. Additionally, we are ready to assist civil authorities upon request. We are dedicated to fostering a culture that offers opportunities for amateur radio enthusiasts to socialize, learn, exchange ideas, and contribute to the enjoyment of our hobby.

Are you newly licensed? Have you been inactive for a while? Are you looking to get your license? Or perhaps you’re thinking of an upgrade? Finally, there’s an amateur radio group in our area that can help.

Upcoming Events: