Oct 12 Analog Net – K0GKW

Analog Net on K0PRA (147.165+ 123Hz) and AllStar 410460 linked systems. TOPIC:  FT8 #2 Net Controller Signup

Elmer Night

Douglas County Library - Parker 20105 Mainstreet, Parker, CO, United States

TOPIC:  Continuation of our preparedness discussion, this time focusing on Go Bags and other examples.

Oct 19 Analog Net

Analog Net on K0PRA (147.165+ 123Hz) and AllStar 410460 linked systems. TOPIC: UTC Time Net Controller Signup

Portable Ops – Jeep trip

Join us for a Jeep trip into the back country to play radio.  More details to come.  Watch the weekly news blast.  

Oct 26 Analog Net

Analog Net on K0PRA (147.165+ 123Hz) and AllStar 410460 linked systems. TOPIC: Band Edges Net Controller Signup

Nov 2 Analog Net – K0ATP

Analog Net on K0PRA (147.165+ 123Hz) and AllStar 410460 linked systems. TOPIC: Repeater terminology Net Controller Signup

Portable Ops – Chili Social

N0KKY Barn 4921 Lake Gulch Rd, Castle Rock, CO, United States

Come play radio and enter the chili cook-off at N0KKY's.  Watch for details in the weekly news blast. Let us know if you are coming by emailing: portableops@parkerradio.org