A Monthly Update from the President’s Shack
The new year gave the PRA no time to waste in getting active in 2020. If there is one aspect of the organization that we have going for us, it is the momentum and culture of the organization. What an amazing start to the new year with our membership renewals working virtually flawlessly, thanks to an amazing webmaster in Jeff, AB0L, and levels of support from many different levels of the organization. Committed involvement at all levels of any organization breathes energy, enthusiasm, and life into any group of people.
We kicked off the year with an amazing Winter Field Day. Many have commented that this was the best PRA event ever. Now, the bar is set. Thanks to Stan, N0KKY, and his beautiful wife, they opened up their historic home and property for about 50 PRA members to come out, enjoy the history, demonstrate radio set ups, get on the air, teach each other, and eat some amazing food. This entire event was a testament to the core mission of the PRA in Playing Radio, Having Fun, and Keeping the Squelch Loose. Everyone chipped in to the event in some fashion and it was great to have a bunch of pre-teens check out what ham radio was all about and to get on the air and talk all over the country, including Alaska and Hawaii. Now, that’s what the amateur radio service is all about.
One of the highlights was having several first time pre-teens and teens participate in Winter Field Day. We have a wonderful opportunity ahead of us in embracing the next generation of amateur radio operators. If any amateur radio organization does not embrace the cultural change of the hobby, let alone how Millennials are perceived and especially how they communicate, we’re all in big trouble. Bottom line is this, Millenials have options and they’re not afraid to use them.
So, how do we embrace the next generation? Easy, just as we do every meeting in greeting new faces, congratulating new licensees or upgrades, offering help to a new ham to learn something, getting involved in a committee…most importantly, keeping an open mind because you might just learn something. As a know-it-all teenager, my father instilled in me a valuable piece of advice, “If you think you’re the expert on something, it is usually good to keep your mouth shut for a while because you’ll likely find out how much of an expert you think you are…or you might learn that you know nothing.” This premise holds true with my position in the PRA and I am so happy with the diversity of backgrounds, ages, knowledge and experience. The absolute best part of the PRA, we embrace differences, we take risks and challenge each other to take the chance in something new, and we always keep encouraging each other.
We have a long way to go, not only as an organization, but as an amateur radio service. We’re making great strides in the PRA and we should never discount how far we’ve come in the last six years. It doesn’t happen by accident, but it took a few accidents to learn, improve, and get us on course. For the PRA, committed involvement at all levels continues to breathe energy, enthusiasm, and life into our organization. Thank you for your involvement in the PRA.
My wish is that we continue to embrace, encourage, and cheer-on our next generation of operators.
Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association