Happy New Year! There is always great optimism on the first day of any given New Year. Whether it is breaking or creating habits, instilling a commitment to be a genuinely nicer person, or simply giving back to the greater common good of our network of family, friends and acquaintances; this day in particular starts a fresh chapter. Even for the PRA, today starts a fresh chapter in our amateur radio journey that over 260 members have opportunities to make their mark. Whether it is an individual or team based goal, you have the opportunity to complete the sentence of what amateur radio will be for you this year. “2023 – The Year of ____________.”
Any member driven organization that is a collection of enthusiasts is able to succeed by being active. So true to my exercise routine, which is one of my resolutions in 2023. Activity takes offering and offering takes activity. You and I both know that we have so much to offer when it comes to amateur radio. You have sensed it for some time now and maybe this sense has been brewing in your spirit for some time now. Whether you are newly licensed or a multi-decade long operator, we all have the opportunity to act, give back, and support the amateur radio storyline. There exists a unique beauty in the simple things that people do to support the PRA. Some of these simple things spark ideas and those ideas are so powerful that simply becoming aware of them can change the positive impact into amateur radio. As one example, look at the success of our monthly Elmer Night. This monthly meeting started as a “what if” idea by Terry-WB3EVZ a few years ago. When Terry presented the idea, a snowball effect of more ideas and responses that were met with a resounding “yes, and…” helped create the massive success of the monthly program. One simple “what if” idea, met with a series of “yes, and…” has allowed a great foundation of learning, mentoring and comradery to grow. There are dozens of examples like this in the PRA storyline.
At the same time, too, your leadership within the PRA appreciates feedback when things are not going so well. We have gotten that feedback a time or two in the last year and when that feedback is given with solutions behind it, action is taken. As Teddy Roosevelt said, “Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining.” Complaining or finding the bad is easy. Complaining with a proposed solution that involves you, that is valuable not only to the PRA, but your fellow amateur radio community as well. I am willing to bet that you have ideas and solutions that are so profoundly simple and astonishingly practical that once you share your time, talents and treasures and be directly a part of that solution, your amateur radio journey will change for the better.
We have an extremely active year ahead for the PRA and you have an amazing opportunity to not only get plugged in, but be an active part of the fun, success, and amazing experiences that are ahead of us. Need an idea on where to start simply? Sign up to be a net control operator once this year. Yes, that sign-up sheet is active and you never know, you may have so much fun being a net control operator, that could launch you into being a net control for one of our public service events. Maybe you have experience in learning CW/Morse Code. What an amazing opportunity to teach others through Elmering! Maybe you are a brand new ham and learned a new way to program your new radio; you will definitely be able to teach our seasoned veterans a thing or two. Bottom line is that your fresh chapter starts today and that brewing in your spirit is calling you to something greater in amateur radio. In a short twelve months, how do you want your amateur radio experience to be summarized? My hope is that you are able to launch your time, talent and treasures into the simple concepts of small actions to create the snowball effect in your amateur radio journey.
Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association