As we hit the month of June, it is hard to fathom that we are already in the sixth month of 2022 and the halfway point of the year. For amateur radio operators, this month is typically filled with anticipation of one of the most fun operating events, ARRL Field Day. For those familiar with Field Day with the PRA, you know the event is filled with lots of learning, fun activities, and lots of laughs. What many do not know is the amount of planning that goes into such an event. Field Day simply doesn’t just happen where the radios arrive and antennas are set. Coordination and teamwork, like any organization, remains paramount to a successful event and the way things are coming together for our 2022 Field Day, those familiar and unfamiliar with Field Day are in for a treat.
Often, we talk about the giving of our time, talent and treasures within the PRA. This year, like every previous Field Day, we have an amazing Field Day Chair, Dana-NN0G. Dana has been working tirelessly behind the scenes for the last several months in coordinating everything from radios and antennas to coax and cooking…parking spots and tent locations, computer logging, operating schedules, batteries, solar…almost an endless list of checks and ‘must-dos’ that equate to an amazing Field Day. Dana has shown that to pull off a great event not only takes careful coordination, but a collective effort of those that pitch in to help where they can. Amazing things happen when a collective group offers their time, talent and treasures towards a common goal. We are fortunate to have great members like Dana-NN0G that not only coordinate great events, but are true ambassadors to the amateur radio service. Thank you, Dana and here’s to a great Field Day!
Speaking of ambassadorship, Field Day typically has an equal amount of draw from family members and guests and may not be totally familiar with what is happening. All of us have a duty and obligation to the amateur radio service and the PRA to be stewards and ambassadors. First impressions last forever and can make or break someone’s curiosity into amateur radio. For me, if my first experience in amateur radio was not positive, I would have avoided it and moved on to something else. That holds true as amateur radio operators and acting as ambassadors. To promote the growth and appeal to amateur radio, particularly in our youth, our words and actions go a long way to developing and building our next generation of amateur radio operators. Field Day provides such a unique opportunity to not only demonstrate our technology, but gives our guests an opportunity to operate and make their first contact. Remember the first contact you made and how getting on-the-air may have given you some butterflies in your stomach? You can be the catalyst to launch a passion in our next amateur radio operator simply by being a solid ambassador and overall decent human being.
If this is your first Field Day, or maybe it’s your 8th with the PRA, may it be filled with “Having Fun, Playing Radio, and Keeping the Squelch Loose.”
Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association