As virtually all athletes or sports fans will tell you, getting an early lead is important. Going into 2022, we welcomed several newly elected Board members and appointed a Board Chair. Usually, with a new group, it takes some time for things to get into motion and the team to synchronize. If there is any one early observation, the leadership of the PRA has hit the ground running and has our team out to an early lead in 2022. Like any goal, getting off to a good start is important; getting off to a great start sets the stage for some amazing accomplishments along this year’s journey.
In reflecting on the PRA’s growth in membership during the pandemic, we attempted to pinpoint what made the most impact to drive our membership growth. Very quickly, it became abundantly clear that by having virtual meetings that were directly tied to YouTube Live gave us an edge. What was also evident was that we realized the right people were in the right positions to be bold enough share a vision of bringing our meetings online easily, while looking like we had our act together. When vision is combined with passion and a little bit of research great things happen. Our CTO, Jeff-AB0L shared his vision of bringing our meetings onto YouTube easily, professionally, and at minimal cost. Through his research and consultation with other members that had some familiarity with the equipment he researched, the decision was easy and the execution looked flawless. Although, if you ask Jeff, he will say it was far from flawless, but in my opinion, he made it look not only effortless behind the camera and at the controls, but the finished product was pure quality.
What is also important is the impact and ask for participation in the PRA’s activities. At the forefront, the PRA belongs to its members and it is the members that drive decisions in the organization. Even though we have a Board and Officers, their respective positions are to serve the members while guiding and guarding the organization. Last month, we actively pursued Committee Chairs to lead smaller groups to drive impact in areas of importance; New Members & Elmering, Repeaters, Website, Special Events, and Field Day. Members that are passionate about these particular areas were quick to jump at the opportunity to lead these initiatives. It goes without saying that by giving back, we receive so much in return. Thank you to those that took the chance at leading a committee – you are an tremendous asset to the PRA.
Last, but most importantly, a healthy percentage of our members are getting plugged into one or more committees. If you are passionate about one of these aspects of amateur radio, we need your time, talent and treasures. Maybe you want to learn more about what these committees focus upon…there is no better way to learn and get plugged in than participating in something new. A collection of small efforts quickly add up to great momentum and amazing outcomes. Thank you to those members that have joined a committee early in the year. By the way, it is never too early to join a committee.
Giving our our time, talent and treasures brings us so much in return. As a group that is passionate about amateur radio, any amount given of your time and talent typically leads to treasure for others. If you want to see this first hand, check out the amazing presentations given by Brad-AB4BA. If you want to see time and talent become treasures, come to an Elmer Night. If you want to see more of this first hand, come and participate in one of our committee events. You never know the impact you can have on yourself and new or future amateur radio operators by the simple acts of sharing our own time, talent and treasures. We are off to a great start and early lead in 2022…amazing accomplishments are happening.
Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association