A Monthly Update from the President’s Shack
In the February 2019 QST Magazine, new ARRL CEO Howard Michel, WB2ITX, posed a couple very interesting questions; “Is your passion for Amateur Radio primarily about communications, or about technology? Do you consider Amateur Radio a hobby, or a service?” Both questions got me thinking about the ways that the Parker Radio Association fits into both of these questions. As Howard Michel details, “most people do not fall to the extremes.” I believe that is what makes our organization so unique is that we do not focus on one set agenda or focus. The PRA is a multifaceted organization that, as our Mission Statement details, “will continue to promote a culture that gives opportunities for amateur radio enthusiasts to socialize, learn, exchange ideas, and contribute to the enjoyment of our hobby.”
Since the New Year, the PRA has held five (5) events; two monthly meetings, two Elmering Nights, and a Repeater Tower raising event. In March alone, we have three events scheduled; our monthly meeting and Elmering Night scheduled, as well as our participation in Ham Radio Outlet Denver Day. The HRO Denver Day gives our organization a unique opportunity to not only promote the Parker Radio Association, but those that volunteer are truly Ambassadors to Amateur Radio as a whole. This also does not take into consideration the one-on-one help sessions that our members do for other radio operators ‘under the radar.’ It is obvious, our organization is anything but the next “typical” amateur radio organization.
In the last few years, it did not take me long to fully appreciate how much I would depend on those around me in order for the PRA to be successful. The PRA, like any successful organization or team sport, takes planning, strategy, listening, and responding. When you walk into your next PRA meeting, take a look at all the activity that goes into just one monthly meeting. Our members and leadership do that about 15+ times per month, with our meetings and on-the-air nets. The only way we have been this successful is that we operate with a keen sense of what Amateur Radio is all about, communication. As good radio operators, we know that we MUST be a good listener because it is a matter of respect, whether on-the-air, at a meeting, or at a public event showcasing Amateur Radio. The bottom line, it is about following the Golden Rule.
If you are new to the PRA, we welcome you. Know that the PRA is here to meet you where you are in your amateur radio journey. Whether that journey involves licensing upgrades, needing a radio programmed, learning morse code, or understanding digital radio networks, the PRA does not fit into one box or a limited focus. We are not about extremes or limiting ourselves to one or two facets of Amateur Radio. We are an organization that is simply passionate about Amateur Radio.
Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association