As the days grow longer and the temperatures rise, spring offers amateur radio operators the perfect opportunity to take their hobby outdoors. Whether you’re a seasoned ham or just getting started, here are some great ways to enjoy amateur radio in the springtime:

1. Parks on the Air (POTA) & Summits on the Air (SOTA)

Spring is ideal for activating parks and summits. Grab your portable gear and head to a local park or mountain peak to make contacts in beautiful surroundings. These activities not only test your operating skills but also provide a great way to enjoy nature. There are a few handfuls of PRA members that thoroughly enjoy POTA and SOTA operations. Invite a friend or two, even if they are not a ham, to give them a taste of what amateur radio can do!

2. Antenna Projects & Maintenance

With winter behind us, now is a great time to inspect, repair, and upgrade antennas. Whether you’re setting up a new dipole, adjusting a vertical, or experimenting with a loop, spring weather makes antenna work much more enjoyable. You can also tap the consulting resources of our Elmer Team to support your efforts on maximizing a great antenna setup.

3. Mobile & Portable Operations

If you have a mobile rig, consider setting up a temporary station in a scenic spot. Whether it’s a road trip, a camping weekend, or just an afternoon at the park, operating from the field can be a fun and rewarding experience. It’s amazing how the most simple and modest setup can have unimagined results.

4. Special Event Stations

Spring often brings special event stations commemorating historical events, national parks, and seasonal themes. Check online calendars and QST magazines for upcoming events to chase.

5. Field Day Preparation

June’s ARRL Field Day comes up fast, and spring is the time to start planning. Be part of the planning efforts to help organize the PRA equipment, test antennas, setup log books, and coordinate with the PRA to ensure a successful event. Invite family members and friends to experience the thrill of making a long distance contact and getting on the air for the first time!

Spring is a season of renewal and adventure—so get outside, play radio, and keep the squelch loose!

Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association

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