As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to set some ham radio resolutions! Whether you’re a seasoned operator or a newly licensed ham, the spirit of continuous learning and joy in our hobby remains universal. Here are a few ideas to inspire your resolutions:

Learn a New Mode
Challenge yourself to master a mode you’ve never tried. From FT8 to CW or even dabbling in satellite communications, exploring something new can refresh your enthusiasm and sharpen your skills.

Activate and Explore
Why not participate in a Parks on the Air (POTA) or Summits on the Air (SOTA) event? These activities blend the joy of the outdoors with the thrill of making contacts.

Build Something
DIY spirit is alive in ham radio! Build an antenna, assemble a kit, or even try your hand at a portable setup for your next adventure. The sense of accomplishment is unmatched.

Be an Elmer
Share your knowledge and passion with others. Helping new hams get on the air is a resolution that benefits the entire community.

Play Radio
Most importantly, resolve to make time to play radio. Whether it’s joining a net, checking into the PRA repeaters, or participating in Field Day, reconnect with the joy that brought you to this hobby.

Remember the PRA motto: Play radio and keep the squelch loose! Let’s make 2025 a year full of learning, laughter, and plenty of QSO’s.

Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association

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