A Monthly Update from the President’s Shack
The 2019 year is entering its final days. As we roll off of Thanksgiving, we’re immediately faced with the Christmas rush of retailers pushing all kinds of deals, can’t miss opportunities, and some very persuasive marketing tactics. As we reflect back on 2019, the PRA had some amazing accomplishments throughout the year and has set itself up for amazing opportunities going into 2020. With the new year comes new opportunities, but we can never discount what got us to where we are today.
One of the key activities of the PRA each month is our Elmer Night. If your interest in amateur radio has only recently developed or if you’re a veteran operator trying something new in the hobby, you already know by now that there are hundreds of brands of equipment from which to choose. Some of these choices are costly, some not too costly. This is where Elmer Night shines; you are surrounded by experienced operators that simply want to help you – the goal is to shorten the learning curve of whatever you want to accomplish, so that you can enjoy the hobby even more, quickly. It is the perfect environment that is not intimidating, where you can ask any and all questions. You’re respected following the Golden Rule – treat others as you expect to be treated.
Along the same lines, the American Radio Relay League, ARRL, has taken this concept of Elmering and introduced a new magazine which will roll out in January called On the Air. What is really exciting is that this is the first new magazine from the ARRL in nearly 30 years; obviously, there is a significant amount of time, effort and energy that goes into such a publication – bottom line, the ARRL realizes that beginner to intermediate amateur radio operators are not only the most untapped, but also the most important group to embrace. Hats off the ARRL for generating this new publication and making it available to all ARRL members – yet another benefit to join the ARRL.
For the PRA, 2019 was a busy year, beyond Elmer Nights and monthly meetings – we installed a series of repeaters, both digital and analog, to support reliable communications throughout the area. We also learned a tremendous amount about ARRL activities, QRP operating, SOTA activations, National Traffic Systems, and supported community events such as Pedaling-4-Parkinson’s and the Scouts Jamboree On The Air. Not only did we hit our 100th member in 2019, but we are quickly approaching the 150 member mark. Although the numbers are impressive, what matters is the focus on the PRA’s Mission – “To Play Radio, Have Fun, and Keep the Squelch Loose.”
To ensure the success of your amateur radio organization, I highly encourage you to participate in an existing committee such as Net Control Operator, repeater committee, Website, PRA Gear, Elmer Night…or form your own committee! The committees will always focus on the PRA Mission and the bottom line is to support the growth, enthusiasm and promotion of amateur radio. I also want to thank those that have lead our committees this past year and I also want to thank the record number of members that participated in our Leadership Elections; this is a testament to the health of the PRA.
As we head rapidly towards the conclusion of 2019, thank you for your trust, support, and participation in the PRA. If 2019 is any indication of what the future is for the organization, the Parker Radio Association is poised and positioned for continue success because of its members. With the new year comes new opportunities, but we can never discount what got us to where we are today.
Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association