A Monthly Update from the President’s Shack
“It is truly amazing to find a group who is so friendly and welcoming of new hams in a hobby where so many groups are dominated by ego and showing how smart the individuals are.”
Over the last few months, the PRA has had another surge of membership. As of this writing, we are a 115 member organization and continuing to grow. I have often wondered what makes the PRA attractive to amateur radio enthusiasts (other than our good looks). There are two “non-negotiables” that we have embraced since our first day; be welcoming and keep the squelch loose. Those two elements are our foundation and go-to not only when welcoming visitors or potential new members, but when the leadership team is making decisions for the organization. By knowing what works, by taking risks and accepting some short-comings, we cannot fail.
In the last couple of weeks, I received a beautiful handwritten letter (a lost art) from one of our members. His words were just what I needed to boost up my psyche for my role and for the responsibility that I embrace for the PRA. In particular, one sentence in the letter struck me, “It is truly amazing to find a group who is so friendly and welcoming of new hams in a hobby where so many groups are dominated by ego and showing how smart the individuals are.” The timing of this letter could not have been better; the words could not have been selected better. Everything about this one line embodies who we are as an organization and helps guide our decision making process, while answering an important question, “why are we doing this in the first place?”
A few short weeks ago, we had our PRA elections for officer positions. I would like to congratulate our new officers:
Vice President – Patrick, AI8C
Secretary – Elizabeth, N1RDH
Treasurer – Justin, AE2L
Chief Technology Officer – Ray, N0KEG
Directors At Large – Wayne, N0AD and John, N4SJW
I also want to thank all of those that took the brave step, threw their hat into the ring, and ran for a leadership position. This was the first year in our existence that we had so many people run for the election positions. That screams of success and health of the organization. Also, with the number of committees we have formed, there is no better way to add your touch into the success of the PRA by joining, participating or leading one of our committees. Committees drive the current and future of the PRA, and your input, ideas and suggestions are needed.
As we round third and head for home to round out the 2019 year, we celebrate our accomplishments by reflecting on the countless hours giving back to the community, how we have showcased the wonder of technology and how we have built a great amateur radio organization. May we always continue to play radio, have fun, and keep the squelch loose.
Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association