A Monthly Update from the President’s Shack
October is a very exciting time of year. We see and experience the wrestling match of the seasons, Summer vs. Fall. There is no better place than Colorado to have a front row seat to the majesty behind this annual battle of the seasons. At the same time, it is one of my favorite times of year because of the Major League Baseball playoffs. Very rarely do I get a chance to watch a single game on the comfy couch, let alone four games in one evening. Whether it is the crisp mornings, watching the first leaves change color, or baseball playoffs, change is evident and change is coming.
For the PRA, this October is a special month for the organization as we elect new officers for the organization. These officers will serve two year terms, starting in 2020. What I am most proud of is the fact that so many people were nominated, took the brave step, and said, “yes, I’d like a shot” at whichever position they were nominated. In the PRA’s history, this has been the greatest turnout of nominations and candidate pool. To me, that is a testament to the foundation and backbone of the PRA – the MEMBERS!
From an activity standpoint, the PRA gathered firearms enthusiasts for a group event. One hobby promoting another – but without amateur radio, this type of gather would have never happened. Also coming up is a QRP Expedition to Signal Butte. Fresh air, mountains, hiking, and radio. Combine that with the season change and amazing display of colors, that is certainly going to be an amazing experience for the participants. Again, the commonality of amateur radio brought all of this together.
As the nominations are in, I’d like to thank the membership for their trust in me for the next two-year term. As I stated, this will be my last two year term as I firmly believe that this organization needs fresh eyes and fresh perspectives at all levels of the organization. I would also like to congratulate John-N4SJW and Wayne-N0AD on their nominations and seating to the Director-At-Large positions. It is important that you come out and vote at our October meeting on October 15th. If you are unable to make it in person, make sure you secure an absentee ballot from Robert-AE0CA, our Election Chairperson. If you haven’t noticed, yet, change is evident and change is coming.
Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association